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Friday 10 March 2017

Transcending Mind, A Gateway To The Infinite

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is most peculiar, a gateway that can be open or closed or even partially open or closed. What is peculiar about this is when we relate the gateway to the mind, which can be open or shut or partially ajar, a gateway to other realities and existences. When closed, the mind is no longer transcending beyond its own understanding. When open, the mind is subjected to relatives that are usually beyond the minds comprehension, this is until the mind finds recognisable familiarities within these relatives. The only reason we comprehend these relatives is due to these familiarities.

These familiarities occur through the mind remembering bits and peaces of what it is; only in this can the mind comprehend these relatives. If the mind is closed, the mind is unable to relate to these relatives no matter how hard it tries to comprehend beyond its present understanding of what it is. A closed mind sees itself being only of the physical brain, it's closed off from comprehending the mind being anything else but of the physical brain. A closed mind will never comprehend beyond what it is unable to relate to, this is until the closed mind finds something it is familiar with beyond its present understanding. If nothing is familiar to the mind, the gateway will close again. For the gateway to stay open, the mind must find something or remember something of what it is beyond this closed mind, only in this is the mind able to comprehend these experiences thus keeping the gateway (mind) open.

It's wise to look at the mind as being a gateway to other realities and existences, within this; our comprehensibility becomes acute and so much more prevalent. However, no matter how open your mind is, if you still look upon the mind as being a physical entity, your comprehensibility beyond physicality will be hindered. It's handy to look upon the mind as a star-gate as the mind after death and through various out of body experiences, can transcend time and space. The mind isn't what we are conditioned to think it is, it's not just physical or of the ego mind, it transcends way beyond this, this is why I often mention the ego and divine mind in my posts. The ego mind is often related to the physical and the divine mind is often related to the non-physical.

We also relate the mind to thought, it's only attribute is thinking, even when it's the mind that helps us enter into thoughtlessness. A mind that thinks its own mind is only of physicality and ego, will only comprehend to this limitation, which the only attribute the mind has, is to think. This is true for a closed mind but not for a mind that is truly open.

A truly open mind relates to the mind also being silent, non-physical and egoless. As consciousness itself has no limitations, neither does the mind, it's not limited to physicality or ego. The mind can transcend these limitations as it transcends beyond these limitations in death or through various out of body experiences. A good way to comprehend this is again see your mind as a star-gate, a gateway that goes beyond all physical limitations.

It's difficult for a closed or partially open mind to comprehend that the mind itself is a gateway to start with. Think of this then. When we daydream, use our imagination or dream, it's our mind that is opening up to all these experiences; it is the mind that is the gateway to these other realities. If you like, also see the mind as porthole to other dimensions.

So the question is now, is the mind only a gateway to other dimensions, realties and experiences especially when open?

Imagine the energy that is needed to feed this gateway, especially when open. I look at the rest of the body being this energy source for the mind, this gateway, no energy input to the gateway, no open gateway.

The energy involved to feed the mind, comes from what supports the mind that is physical, the physical body as a whole. The body that supports the mind has to also be sustained by a constant energy source, usually from other physical energy sources, however, a mind that is non-physical is sustained by non-physical energy sources and of course this stands to reason.

To answer the question, the mind is primarily a gateway, a door to other dimensions, realities and experiences, however, the energy that sustains the gateways is also apart of these gateways, the human physical mind is prime example of this. The energy source that supports the physical mind, is also apart of the brain that the mind resides in.

Now this is interesting, we have an energy source that feeds the mind, we also have an energy source as the brain to support the mind. We then have the mind itself that relies on energy sources to exist; this is while the mind is residing in physical sources of energy as in the physical body and brain. What then supports the mind in non-physical realities? The soul of course which seems to act as the physical body including the brain. As a soul, the body and brain seem to be of one entity, this is where the spirit or the essence of life itself within all things comes into it. As the human body acts as a vessel for the brain to support the mind to reside in, the soul becomes the body and the spirit becomes the brain for the mind to reside in.

Physical = body + brain + mind

Non-physical = soul + spirit + mind

It makes sense to relate the physical brain to the spirit within all things. Consider this, what would we be without the physical brain? Now, what would we be like without the spirit within all things? In both instances the mind couldn't exist for there is no support for the mind, the gateway, to gain energy to function. Yes, the physical brain to me represents the spirit within all things.

What about the things that don't have a brain, have they then no spirit?

This is going to hurt a lot off egos. Any existing thing without a brain is more of the non-physical spirit within all things than anything with a brain. The physical brain disconnects us from this non-physical spirit within all things by just purely existing, of course it is the mind that determines how disconnected we become. Imagine existing on pure spirit void of a physical brain, it is difficult for a lot of us to comprehend this as we are conditioned to the brain, not this pure spirit within all things. We are indeed conditioned to separate one from the other, to separate the human body from the soul, the brain for the spirit within all things. Through this separation, we are unable to comprehend the connections between physical and non-physical entities and relatives. Within this there will be no familiarities thus keeping the gateway closed.        

You can see where the energy and support comes from for the mind to be able exist and open up to various possibilities which are truly endless. The possibilities are indeed infinite but only if we keep the gateway, the star-gate, the porthole, the mind, open.

Note: I should point out; none of the above came from any other source but through channelling. There was no observation or analytical thought process involved here; this primarily all came to me as I wrote this post.  

Thursday 9 March 2017

Conditioned to Incomprehensibility

Written by Mathew Naismith

My lovely wife came across the following rhyme after hearing me speak of how wisdom is no longer apparent within our daily existence. My wife only observed the wisdom of the rhyme, not what the rhyme was actually portraying, that men do not hear or listen enough. The wisdom being that we can speak too much and not hear enough of what we are speaking about, this was basically what the discussion with my wife was about. My darling wife did not observe the actual meaning of the rhyme but the wisdom of the rhyme. There was no depiction of a negative or positive, black or white, within her observation of the rhyme. This kind of observation is very rare it seems, observing the wisdom in things before anything else.           

"There was an owl who lived in an oak tree. The more he heard, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Oh, if men were like that wise bird."

The following was in response to the question of making allowances for people who are unable to comprehend anything beyond their own conditioning. The conditioning here is pertaining to expressing extremes as opposed to expressing balance.  

In the west in particular it would seem, we are conditioned from birth to exist in separation with our environment, is this a relative excuse to ignore what our natural surroundings can teach us about balance?

When you also consider a lack of being conditioned to wisdom, I think this is a relative excuse to ignore what our environment can teach us.

However, I think many of us are at the stage where we are deliberately ignoring what our environment can teach us. Of course when we gain wisdom, we see it quite differently as you seem to have done. Wisdom is an important relative towards observing the balance in our environment.

We seem to have gotten to the point of deliberately ignoring instead of just being unaware, probably because of the lack of wisdom.

I think any consciousness existing void of wisdom is going to be imbalanced therefore extreme and destructive by nature. There is nothing wrong with existing like this, however, if we are serious in changing our ways, we need to be aware and more conditioned to wisdom than separation it would seem, this clearly isn't occurring.

The reason I say this isn't occurring, is we are obviously still fixated to extremes.  Any expressions of extremes indicate that the said consciousness is any thing but conditioned to wisdom. All extremes to me indicate separation to excess; it is obvious this kind of existence/consciousness is void of wisdom thus unable to observe balance within the environment.

Basically, we no longer have the tools to observe and learn balance from our environment any more. We instead replaced wisdom with separation through excess expressions of extremes.


The following is another response I gave in relation to comprehending anything not of our own mind set, especially words of wisdom. Wisdom is certainly being replaced with extreme reactions and counteractions these days. 

The means of learning from wisdom is still there, it's just we seem to have gotten to a point where we no longer able to comprehend wisdom as this, particularly in the west.
We might become aware of this kind of wisdom, but we don't truly comprehend its meaning, we have lost this ability through our fixations to extremes it would seem.

Spirituality is being used and abused once again as a feel good practice; it was never intended for this. Spirituality to me is about connections beyond human conscious understanding, feeling good comes at best to this, actually, feeling good is apart of the natural process of becoming connected. We have indeed abused this once again for self-gratification.         

Wisdom is the ability to observe without bias, at no time is this kind of observation a state of excessive thinking and analysing; it's a pure state of observation. As an example, there are no true black and white's, negative and positives; there is only observation of motion void of analytical analysis. There are no true wrong and rights, only expressions of motions.

As spirituality is suppose to be about connections, it's also supposed to be about wisdom, this again is no longer the case it would seem. Extreme expressions and self-gratifications have nothing to do with a true sense of spirituality and wisdom to me. It's sad to see spirituality being once again abused in this fashion.


I also wrote the following in response that all validation is of external sources. Also, the mind is a doorway to other worlds, realms and realities; we often comprehend that the mind is just of a physical spectrum.    

Indeed, to know you are abundance takes a balanced mind to realise this in the first place. A mind focused on extremes will never realise this abundance, only the abundance found externally which is often transitory. All extreme expressions are external.

The mind to me is a doorway to external and internal worlds/realms. We often make the mistake and think that the mind is of external worlds only, of the physical worlds.

Having balanced views assists us to use the mind as a doorway to our inner world, a world we have often forgotten about.

External validation isn't quite correct because it's the mind that needs validation, and it's but a doorway to all worlds. If this doorway is not balanced within itself, the worlds we experience through these doorways will be the same.

How many people look upon the mind as being a doorway, a gate to other worlds and dimensions? It's obviously important we have a balanced perceptions/mind.

The mind is a stargate, this is obvious for the mind still exists after so-called death. The mind indeed transcends realities, if the mind is imbalanced, so is the realities experienced, even after death.

We look upon the mind as an external entity that needs external validation, big mistake in my mind. My mind receives more validation from internal sources than external sources these days, only because my mind is open and aware to all I am, not just to all I desire to be of!!

How many people truly comprehend that the mind is but a doorway to other worlds, realities and realms? We have been conditioned to think the mind is only a physical entity and anything of the mind is of the ego mind. Everyone's mind is indeed a stargate, a gate/doorway to limitless infinite conscious occurrences. 

Yes, most of what I write about is incomprehensible to a lot of people; this has been stated to me a number of times. As the ego mind often does, anything incomprehensible, especially when it questions our own perceptions, is often refuted and denounced. If I did this myself, I would be aware of very little these days.

We desire to be free from our environment around us, but we are at the same time unwilling to let go of extreme expressions that negate wisdom. Only in and through wisdom will we truly be free, the problem being, one has to be wise to some extent in the first place to start being truly free of our own extreme expressions.

Can a consciousness become that extreme within there expressions, that the said consciousness will be unable to free itself from these limiting extreme expressions? I have observed that many of us have reached this stage, in the process, denounce any wisdom in the contrary to their own extreme expressions. Collectively, we are in a mess, a mess we have created ourselves, however, there is an answer to this, but we must be willing to free ourselves from our extreme expressions.     

Tuesday 7 March 2017

As The Wise Say, Balance Is The Key

Written by Mathew Naismith

Interesting, it was said to me that humans as a whole don't like peace; it certainly seems that way to me as well.

The reason why came to me when this was said to me, peace represents a consciousness of little or no controlling expressions.

The human ego mind feels it always has to be either controlled or controlling, within this, there is no peace, only what control (motion) creates.


Why do we refuse to learn from our environment, an environment human existence is reliant on in almost everyway?

Do we not learn from this environment because we think of ourselves as being far more intelligent and/or aware?

Take the sun for instant, too much light emitted from the sun, everything dies. Too little sun emitted from the sun, everything dies.

The right amount of light emitted from the sun, everything flourishes, not just biologically but in everyway including spiritually.

The reason for this is simple, balance that neutralises extremes which in turn allows everything to flourish.

When the wise and ancient teachings teach balance is the key, they are not just talking the talk, as in stating something because it sounds right. They are stating it because it's true, especially in accordance with the present environment.

No matter what environment you find yourself in, it will show you how to exist in a balanced way.

Now, how intelligent and aware are we, in relation to our natural environment, when we are in total ignorance of its expressions of balance?


It's too hot, so we bring on another ice age.

It's too cold, so we bring on a continuous heatwave.

Its' too light, so we bring on excessive dark.

It's too dark, so we bring on excessive light.

Our present existence is too chaotically destructive, so we bring on the extreme opposite.

Excessive extreme reactions is what makes human consciousness human, otherwise this consciousness would be something else other than human.

It would seem we don't want to evolve from human consciousness, as it would seem we are too fixated to its extremes.

As extremes denote limitations, any consciousness of extremes is always going to be limited. Free yourself of these extremes and associated limitations and see what develops, you won't be disappointed.  


- It is better to rise from life as from a banquet - neither thirsty nor drunken. Aristotle

- Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. Epicurus

- They are sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. William Shakespeare

- Balance is the key to abundance, an equal amount of abundance pertaining to all things within all things.

~Mathew G~ 

Friday 3 March 2017

Passive Analogies and Insights

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The pond of life is still and tranquil, this is until the still pond is put into motion by countermanding motions of human differences".......Mathew G

The pond of life: Look upon life as a still pond, it is still, tranquil and clear, this is until the still tranquilness of the pond is disrupted by opposing motions, not necessarily opposing motions to the water but opposition motions on each side of the pond. These opposing motions are likened to, bad and good, negative and positive, light and dark, hate and love and so on. Now imagine that these opposing motions are throwing stones at each other from their side of the pond, as opposing motions naturally do. Of course many of these stones end up in the water as do some of the opposing motions themselves, is the still tranquil pond still clear and calm? 

In the end, the pond ends up not being a pond anymore but a quagmire of embattlement, this is because both opposing forces end up opposing the pond which gave life to all motion to begin with.  It's strange to think, no pond, no motion, even when the pond itself is motionless. It's this motionlessness that gives life and its motion that can take the life of the pond away, but only when motion becomes extreme within its own motion. Opposing motions only see dissimilarities, not also, the way too obvious, similarities.

To people like me, the similarities are obvious, for example, the similarities between dark and light. Both want to control or destroy each other. Both have opposing views. Both know they are more powerful than the other. Both want to become the dominate force. Both are using the same motion but with very slightly dissimilar motives. One's motive is for the collective good of the (I), the other is for the collective good of the collective as a whole. Of course many religions have tried to control the collective by dominating it, this is why love and light should never be used as an opposing force but it clearly is being used in this way.

While existing in a chaotic existence, we perceive that the still tranquil clear pond indicates love and light, thus perceiving love has no opposites; of course what is then the opposite of hate!!

The tranquil still clear pond of life doesn't represent love and light, it represents exactly what it is, still, tranquil and clear; this is all. Because we exist within a chaotic existence, we perceive that the pond is of love and light and quite understandably so. Any kind of tranquilness will feel more loving and of the light while experiencing chaos in any form. The pond doesn't have to be of love and light because it has no opposition, the pond of life isn't in opposition to motion but motion can be in opposition to the pond, to life itself. The pond of life is what it is, motionless except for the life that the pond creates/supports. When the life that the pond creates becomes too expressively of motion, it's quite understandable that this will upset the tranquilness of the pond.

The universe: Now think of how tranquil the pond that the universe exists in was before the universe was created. Yes, I look at what the universe was created in as a pond as well. The universe represents all living form that exists within pond/space itself.

In a pond, a fish is hatched from roe which was conceived through the integration of yin and yang, what is the pond to the fish? The pond is everything to the fish which makes the pond more precious than life itself. Now look at the universe as being this fish, how important is the pond/space to the fish/universe to us? We of course perceived that the universe is far more special than the space that the universe was conceived in, this is very much unlike the fish that sees the pond/space far more special for it gave it its life to begin with. I think one day we will find out how special this seemingly nothingness space that the universe was born into. There is far more to this empty space than we perceive in my mind. 

Fish = universe

Pond = Space

Yes, I also see that the universe was conceived, which comes from the idea that matter and antimatter created the universe through integration of these two motions.

Matter = yang + male

Antimatter = yin + female

I should state here that matter could also be perceived as being female and visa-versa for argument sake.

Oneness, God: So where does the idea of God or oneness fit within all of this? Let's look at the human race; it takes two to create another living energy source, what actually integrates these two energy sources to create another energy source?  Try integrating without consciousness; you need to be consciousness of another energy source, and the right energy source, to integrate to start with, this of course takes a singular source of energy, such as consciousness, to begin with.

You can see where the hidden perception of oneness and a God comes from. I say hidden because our ego minds perceive in a structured way in accordance to our five senses. Our structured perceptions perceive God as a man, Christ as man and not as a consciousness. 

Oneness equals God as God equals consciousness that is seemingly behind all of creation, very simular to humans and the creation of the universe which again took the integration of yin and yang, two different but also indifferent energy sources that were conceived from a consciousness in my mind.

I should state that the analogies and insights used in this post come wholly from and through me, please at no time take them as being absolutely true........          

Thursday 2 March 2017

Ego Mind, A Natural Phenomena

Written by Mathew Naismith

As of many posts I've written in the past have been controversial for a lot of people, this post is no different. It's not that I am trying to be controversial or argumentative, it's just what comes to and through me, I must write it as it is, or, not write it at all which has occurred a number of times before. Actually, this post was nearly one of those times where I thought twice about sharing what came to and through me. 

What is channelled through me is often confirmed by what comes to me afterward, especially when I don't write down what comes through me in the first place. It's like being whispered to by what comes through me, if I don't listen, I am then yelled at by what comes to me. For three day I was not going to write what was coming through me until it got to the stage of repeatedly being yelled at. As the whispers are of the inner environment, the yelling is of the external environment.

Not one of us within this existence wants to be aware of their so-called higher self; this is obvious within their own participation within realities like this one. Even if you got to this so-called higher state, you still wouldn't want to know who you truly are, in actuality, you feel and know that the last thing you want to become aware of or be, is this higher self. All you feel is just being in the present; of course if the ego mind doesn't like the present, it tries to change it. If the ego mind is existing in a destructive existence, it naturally wants to change the environment it's existing in.

Yes, the ego mind is a natural phenomenon with natural tendencies that often has a need to change its environment in accordance with its own desires. We are presently apart of this phenomena, in the very present this is who we are, of course the ego always desires to be more like more aware than present circumstances permit or encourage. On the other hand, the present extremes encourage the ego mind to change its present environment. It's always the ego mind that desires change, the divine mind only lives within the present the way it is, void of control of its environment or desires to be of another environment.

What I am saying is the ego mind is just as worthy as the divine mind in an existence that is hell bent on destroying itself. The divine mind just sits there within this environment where's the ego mind often has a need, as opposed to desire, to change this or their own environment to something more constructive. To put it simply, the ego mind is a natural phenomenon and should be treated in accordance to its natural state. As the divine mind is natural, so is the ego mind, it's wise not to separate these two very natural phenomena's, especially by judging one an illusion and the other not an illusion.

Yes, the ego mind can be extreme within it's delusions but when expressed in less controlling ways, the ego mind can be electrifyingly beautiful and peaceful in accordance with the whole environment. The more control, we express, the more of the delusion we become, in effect, the more the reality becomes an illusion in many people's eyes. The ego mind will see anything that it no longer wants to be apart of as just an illusion, the controlling ego is very tricky like this.

The ego mind desires to be apart of a grander existence, it will convince itself that it is only apart of a grander existence like being of pure awareness, a God, divine spirit, nothingness and so on. If we were created from nothingness or divine spirit like a God for example, why are we experiencing what we are presently experiencing? We are supposed to be fallen angles or of an ego based consciousness, to me they are one of the same. If you truly comprehend this divine egoless higher state, there is no way you could fall from this state. You could say that everything is of God's consciousness; this just doesn't include the divine mind but the ego mind as well.

The divine mind, as well as the ego mind, is of this divine state, it's all a divine state of existence, even when we express states of being unaware. When the ego mind becomes predominantly controlling over its environment, this is when states like this become less of the divine nature, it doesn't mean it's no longer of the divine nature, at no point is this the case. We are in effect of this grandness that our ego mind desires to be, but this also includes this grandness being of the things that are not so grand to the ego mind as well, our present existence is a prime example of this.

An aware state of being is just as worthy as an unaware state of being, there is no separation for one is of the other, its just the ego mind judges one more worthy than the other because one is more grandiose than the other. Instead of just existing in the present, the ego mind desires more, especially if in the present the ego mind has little control, is unaware or simply desires a better existence for itself. 

When we allow the ego mind to convince us that only this grandiose state of divine energy of pure awareness is who we are, we are truly only aware of apart of ourselves as whole self. This is the same when the ego keeps us in an unaware state of existence, in this state we are again only aware of one part of the whole self, becoming aware of the aware and unaware part of oneself is who we are as a whole. We are not just one or the other, w are all of what is, this includes our present state.

I've spoken with a number of people recently that think control is the answer or we are only of this grandiose state of pure awareness. It is obvious that certain people will not be convinced otherwise to their own convictions; I am certainly not trying to do this, I am only expressing a different aspect to life that could be life changing.

The point is; why isn't all this praying for peace and love working?

As I discussed with an 80+ year old yoga teacher last night that's in to all the aspects of yoga, not just the physical exercise, counteracting one extreme with another is giving these extremes we are counteracting against more power because we are putting more emphasis and more energy into these extremes. The ego mind has us convinced light and love is the ultimate answer, it is obvious it's not because man is becoming more destructive, not less. If light and love, for example, is suppose to be so powerful over the dark in the world, it would instantly quell the dark. What is happening instead is the dark is growing, not shrinking obviously because of our counteractions against it. One point to make here, where is the living in the present by expressing extremes to destroy another extreme?

We have allowed the ego mind to control us to the point of thinking that we can only be of something grandiose. As of our present existence, it quite clearly shows people like me that we are of all aspects of the whole self; this also includes not being aware and even being fully controlled by the ego mind. If you truly comprehend our whole being, there is no way we cannot express or be what we are not apart of. The natural tendencies of the ego mind are to convince us otherwise when in a controlling mode. When the ego isn't in this controlling mode, it's something very few of us can comprehend in the present. Like I stated earlier, the ego mind can be electrifyingly beautiful and peaceful, we just need allow our divine mind to give the ego mind a more balanced perspective, void of trying to control or destroy anything else.  

Sunday 26 February 2017

Step By Step

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consider this, how would a truly egoless consciousness exist?

We of course presume that any egoless consciousness would exist in an ethical righteous way; this of course is considering that to be expressional of immorality in any sense, is to be of the ego. To also be egoless, is to also be aware to a much greater extent than a consciousness controlled by the ego, this is because the ego naturally limits a consciousness to certain aspects. The more a consciousness is controlled by the ego, the more limited a consciousness becomes, this is because the ego is only aware of part of oneself instead of the whole self.

An egoless consciousness is aware of the whole self, this includes being aware of its ego self as well without separation, remember, an egoless state of consciousness is of the whole, not just part of the whole self like the ego. This basically means that an egoless consciousness is fully aware, of course being fully aware is also having an awareness of being only partially aware as well. This is difficult to comprehend, how would a fully aware consciousness also be aware of being partially aware or not aware at all?

The ego thinks that to be fully aware is to exist void of the ego period, only in this can a consciousness be fully aware, this of course is the highest pinnacle of existence a consciousness can go. Of course to the ego the higher the better, even when this higher state of consciousness is unaware of its ego self that is limited to a certain conscious awareness.

Being fully aware also takes in being aware of our unaware states of existence; this of course represents the whole self. Take away a state of being fully aware or partially aware; you only have an awareness of part of oneself, not awareness of the whole of oneself.

Another thing to consider, would an egoless consciousness care about being less aware, experiencing an existence that is consciously limited? We are talking about a consciousness that is void of an ego, only an ego-based consciousness would strive to always be of its highest self which is a state of being fully aware. The problem with an ego consciousness trying to strive for this high level is the ego thinks it needs to do this void of an ego. Once the ego is extricated from a consciousness, the go thinks it has reached this higher level of consciousness.

Now the problem with this is at this higher level of consciousness, we are no longer aware of being unaware, of a state of limited consciousness. This state of being unaware of being unaware is to the ego the highest pinnacle of existence, it is a state that is fully aware, even while in this state we are not aware of being unaware anymore. The whole self does not just take in being aware of our aware state but of our unaware state where consciousness is based on the ego. Being also of this so-called higher level of consciousness, we are presently experiencing our lower levels of consciousness, in actuality; we are presently expressing our whole self.

This is not easy to comprehend. To be truly aware, one must also be aware of one's own unaware states of consciousness, I feel this is what we are experiencing at present in the word around us.
How many consciousnesses will the present truly awaken? One-step at a time and take each step as a process as opposed to an absolute be and end all. This now brings us to love and light as one of these steps in our awakening process.      

Love and Light

If I used love and light in some of the beyond human realities I have experienced, I am 110% sure, I would not be here right now. Consider this, how long would a person last, preaching love and light, in apart of the world dominated by extremists? The answer is obvious, not long, also considering my own experiences, love and light is obviously not the ultimate be and end all answer. To be honest, love and light is about control, this is because love and light basically destroys everything else in its path but only if used incorrectly.

Within a true process of awakening, love and light is used to quell all other states of consciousness that are limiting, however, if love and light is used as a be and end all, rather than apart of an awakening process, it becomes but another limitation.         
Once you get past the perceptions of love and light, you only then realise that the feelings of love and light is only a tiny part of the awakening process. Only then do you realise there is no be and end all, ultimate/absolute answer.

After 40+ years of awakening myself, love and light is but a tiny part of the awakening process, it's wise not to treat anything in this process as being a be and end all. It is also wise not to limit yourself in an unlimited consciousness. The trick is; you are only able to comprehend this when you go beyond love and light, only the ego in control perceives a be and end all, it is wise to be aware of this.

Even balance, which is brought about by neutralising extremes or opposites, is not a be and end all. It certainly is not an answer for extremes to stay extreme so it is not the ultimate/absolute answer for there is not one, not for the whole self.

It is obvious that many of us are using love and light as a be and end all. Being that a true sense of love and light is destructive to hate and dark for example, which is likened to switching a light on in a dark room, light and love is controlling. Anything controlling is limited within its controlling domain. Domain of course relates to a particular sort of environment, not the whole environment as in the whole self!!

I at no time did I try to be controlling in these realities I found myself in that were beyond human realities. All I did is release myself of the natural control of these environments upon myself, this is all. No truly aware consciousness wants to harm any part of another consciousness in anyway; actually, this becomes impossible to do in this state.

Yes, my ego mind wants to change our world, but my divine mind is aware that one should not do this in a controlling way. The reason for this is simple, once we express control, we are only expressive of the ego mind, this is why the ego mind has many western minds tricked into thinking control is the answer.

However, the divine mind releases its ego mind from control, from the limitations that control creates for all expressions of control relate to limitations, the ego mind.      

Saturday 18 February 2017

On the Mountain Pinnacle

Written by Mathew Naismith

The pinnacle of success or achievement is so different for each person, one group of people desire a world of material wealth and power; others desire a world of love and light, of course both world desires are controlling over the other. For humans, it always comes to the point that one has to control the other, like the light controlling the dark or the dark controlling the light, to become predominantly the over all power of all. However, there is another choice, a choice of neither one nor the other, a choice of just being. This is likened to an achromatic existence of simplicity where the pinnacle of our outlook is to just be average.

For people like myself, the mountain pinnacle is to be average, to just be and let be, of course to be average takes in our concerns of our environment without also being controlling or destructive to the light or dark. When people like me observe a consciousness struggling to find light in the dark for example, we often give advice without forcing our advice. We simply give different views to the normal point of view; of course, the normal human point of view seems to be always about one controlling the other, or more precisely, one destroying the other within its own presses of control.

To just be and let be, allows us to exist within an average existence of neither one extreme nor another. Within this existence, there is no view of being controlling; it is just simply being void of intentions of being one or the other.

How many of us truly desire to be just average? It is usually a choice of dark and light, good and bad, rich or poor, enlightened or not enlightened, aware or not aware. How many people of light and love desire to be aware of the dark in the world? How many people of the dark, desire to be aware of the love and light in the world? In this case, we cannot let things simply just be, it always has to be a choice of either one or the other. To one or the other, there is no middle ground or neutrality of just being.

The trick is that you do not desire to be average; you just let it be void of trying to take control of anything. To desire is control and of course a control over something else. Desire always indicates control but to have an outlook of just being average is simply just being within any existence. This however does not mean we accept the controlling ways of the dark and light, it simply means we just be void of having the desire to take control over anything. Of course, this also means not taking control of the natural environment as a whole.

People like me, no matter how destructive the light is to the dark and the dark to the light, simply give our views to a simpler more balanced way of existing, of course the light and dark can't accept this kind of neutral existence, where is the control in this kind of  an existence to start with. Within this mentality of dark and light, there has to be control over the other, I often view this kind of mentality as a black and white mentality, there can only be a perception of black and white and one always in control of the other.

Of course, people like me who are neutral and just have an outlook to just be and let be, are aware that a neutral balance existence of black and white is beneficial for the whole environment, in that one not being more predominant over the other. We often have the perception that one has to be predominant over the other.

OK, I am stating we, which some people obviously have a hang-up with, an emotional preoccupation with. What does an emotional preoccupation denote and a control by what human trait? We or us simply means not just the I as in me myself, the divine mind instead of the ego mind, again it's this simple, only a controlling ego desires to make more of this!! This is certainly worth noting at this point.

We often have this perception because to be honest, we are conditioned to this perception from birth that one has to be predominant over the other. How many people are born into a country or world at war? Of course, war/conflicts denote control and dominance by force of one over the other; we are indeed conditioned to perceiving one has to overcome the other. The black has to dominate the white of visa-versa. How many people are born in a family unit where one person or a kind of people are dominating over the other or others?  We are indeed conditioned to this kind of existence but very few of us are conditioned to an existence of just having an outlook of just being average in a neutral existence.

At the human level, my ego mind desires to be more than just average in a chaotic existence; however, my divine mind often states that I am already at the top of the mountain in being just average and just being. To my divine mind, there is no higher pinnacle than to just be and be average; this is because everything else is of the ego mind that desires rather than having an outlook of just being.