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Showing posts with label flow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flow. Show all posts

Saturday 15 June 2019

Ego-Natural Flow of Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

Going with the natural flow of life, the natural flow of water, in the absence of control of life, of the water, that we are all presently experiencing and a part of, no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from this natural flow.

The natural flows actually refers to all motion, the ego, in the absence of a controlling ego. Of course the ego in control often desires to be separate itself from natural flow, to an ego not having the desire of desiring to control the flow of life/water.

There are people, like my wife and I, who simply go with the flow within the present, whatever that flow may be in the absence of a controlling ego. The ego in control doesn't gently flow, it often turns the water, life, into a torrent, recreating a desired flow often in opposition to the natural flow. As of torrents, often a different direction is enforced by the force emitted by desires, desires to enforce a different direction of flow of life/water. This is instead of calming the present waters of life that are often deemed negative, most likely because they don't fulfil our desires or what we demand life to be.

The natural flow of life, the ego, isn't there for our pleasures, it is simply there to experience. Yes, within this natural flow, life won't always be rosy (positive), but the ego in control demands that life must serve it's desires, which means that life has to be always pleasurable to the ego.

People like me simply don't expect or demand of life, of the present flow of water, that we must feel pleasurable all the time. We certainly don't try to separate one part of consciousness from the rest of consciousness so we can fulfil the controlling egos desires.

As of life, human consciousness, presently controlled by the ego in control, we must also go with this flow, while not becoming of what this flow represents, the desire to fulfil our desires at any cost. Would a responsible parent allow their badly behaved child go on being badly behaved to fulfil one's own pleasures? So why ignore the negatives in the present flow of water to fulfil our own desires of demanding to feel good all the time? As the badly behaved child will only become worse in their behaviour when their behaviour is ignored, so will the collective consciousness.  

Yes, the natural flow of water isn't always a comfortable temperature, but we really shouldn't demand more of life than what is to fulfil what our ego in control desires. Anything beyond of what the natural flow of what is, is something else than natural.....            

Thursday 15 March 2018

We Know Not What We Do

Written by Mathew Naismith

These kinds of things simply come to me without exerting any effort; it's simple because there is no effort involved. I think the people who experience this as well will know exactly what I mean; it flows because you are going with the flow.

I don't always go with the flow; this is because I accept that being a part of a reality like ours, going against the flow is a part of this reality. However as of always, balance between going with the flow and against it is always a wise thing to do; everything in moderation no matter how good or right it feels.

The whole self = Our natural flow

Part of the whole self, our present reality = A flow that goes against the natural flow

A thing to consider here, is going against the flow of a reality that goes against the natural flow going against the flow of that reality? Yes, this reality is a tiny part of who we are as a whole, the whole self is of a natural flow, are not realities that are of going against this natural flow also of this natural flow?

How we think is one is against the other; if it's against the natural flow, it's in opposition to the flow. In the whole scheme of existence, there is no opposition as it's all a part of the same natural flow no matter how small that flow might be. Our present reality is a small part of the natural flow even when going against the natural flow of life. Is a fish swimming against the flow of water; not of the natural flow of the life of the water; when the fish goes against the flow of water? Are we not the fish within the water, within a particular reality like the fish!!

We simply don't think like the fish, we think more like a rock when going against the flow, in opposition to the flow. Instead of allowing ourselves to go with the flow, we are like a rock trying to swim like a fish in opposition the flow when acting/thinking like a rock. It's unnatural for a rock to go against the flow like this; we have simply forgotten we are the fish when swimming against the flow, not the rock.

The rock is in opposition when going against the flow, the fish isn't, which reality do we want to experience, the fish or the rocks reality? If it's the fish, we can go against the flow without being in opposition to the flow, if the rock, we must go with the flow at all times otherwise we are in opposition to the natural flow.

What occurred recently is I experienced a glimpse of what we are doing to ourselves. By being the rock while in opposition to its environment, mainly because we desire control of this environment to feed our desires, we have become the rock in opposition to the natural flow of life. A rock going against its environment will be destructive and disruptive to its environment; the natural flow of life, what the rock going against the flow isn't aware of is it's simply hurting itself immensely by doing so.

Being the rock in opposition to its own environment is going to lead to what it's always lead to, its own destruction. Of course any energy source in opposition to its own environment causing its own demise is a part of the natural flow of life also. If we are going to continually act like a rock going against the flow, we will naturally cause our own demise, however, if we choose to be a rock going with the flow or become the fish instead, we will be naturally going with the flow of life.

I chose to be the fish swimming against the flow at times, other people have chosen to be a rock going with the flow and many more people have chosen to be the rock in opposition to the flow. No matter what we choose to be it's all a part of the natural flow of life, it's just everything we choose to be has its own journey to ride out. Yes, the outcome of each journey is different but it still finishes up being a part of the natural flow of life no matter what journey we choose to follow.

It simply came to me, if we really knew what we do, we simply wouldn't do it; we simply wouldn't be the rock in opposition to the natural flow of life. How aware is the rock to its environment compared to the fish? We simply need stop being the rock in opposition, stop thinking in opposition like positive and negative being in opposition to each other all the times for only a rock in opposition to the flow can think like this.

Is a fish going against the flow judging the water negative while swimming against it?  Only a rock going in opposition to the flow could think like this.......